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New Issue – 7sky.life ‘the book’ Zero Field

We are proud and excited to present you our new 7sky.life ‘the book’ – Zero Field…

“7sky.life invites you to read stories that go beneath your skin. Life stories, as they are rarely heard, and yet often lived. It offers a selection of the most inspired storied you sent to us which we have collected. Committed articles, written by the person involved, in which their heartbeat can be felt. Here, the heart speaks to the heart. One no longer compares, one perceives, lives with honesty and authenticity”
– Coco Tâche-Berther, Editor-In-Chief


Love In Action

Contact us and order your own precious copy: coco@7sky.life
Available in English/German or English/French
Price: CHF 20.- | € 20


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