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We all play a role in our world!

Never ever before, we have so much come to an end of the old and  an invitation to enter the new. Times might be shaky at the moment, don’t worry, it is normal. We are ALL asked to rethink our patterns, our structures, our world!
TODAY! ALL of US, with all our gifts and talents, we play a role in what’s happening  on our dearest planet. Every second, with our thoughts, words, acts that we emit, we influence the energy of our surroundings! Be it people, animals, vegetals, minerals! Yes, we MATTER! And we CAN change the world. We CAN make it a paradise.
In putting INCLUSION and COLLABORATION first. In shifting our attention from scarcity and fear to love and enoughness and acting in consequence. In not continuing to putting energy in what we don’t want any more in our lives. I could go on for hours…
Best is you start to check out 7sky.life on a regular basis for inspiration kicks, as it is the platform that contributes to help raise this energy of beauty, of concrete actions born out of PASSION, of the understanding of who we really are and our deepest longings for us, the others and the world. Initiated by ALL of OF US!

With tons of love,
Your Coco***


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