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How one single question changed my life deeply…

For many, many years, I deeply longed for an answer to the same question: “why am I here”?

I asked myself questions all the time, the voice echoing in my head: “what do I want from life?” Where do I want to live? And how? Who is the partner I’m looking for? What will he be like? What can I achieve in business? Do I want to have a family?

And to be honest: If I eventually found some of the answers – they weren’t stable. They changed all the time. This transience was frustrating. I felt a lot of impatience and was deeply stressed and concerned by the question that repeated itself: What do I really want from life?

During that time, I went to nature quite often. On one of my walks in the forest – all of a sudden – I realized that there’s a huge intelligence behind nature. An intelligence who for example gives nature in February the impulse: „Start growing – time is right, spring is close!“

I realized that the same intelligence also tries to work through all of us. If we allow it to happen. I asked myself: „What if it’s exactly the other way round? What if life wants to express something through me and brings just the right conditions – relationships, encounters, events – into my life, wanting to guide me?“

So, I flipped the original question, instead asking myself: “What does life want from me?”

From where I’m standing today, as a spiritual entrepreneur and communications consultant, running my own business for six years, I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that this inverted question changed not only my life but the whole way of my being.

My life became an adventure– I got and get incredible signs that serve as guides, making every encounter a true gift on my path.

Whether I’m standing in the queue at Coop, talking with a client in a meeting, going for a walk in nature, or cooking something with my eight year old daughter, my whole being has shifted. I am with all there is. Fully present and aware of the moment.

And, I am VERY EXCITED about how life is unfolding through me. And I’m sure, it will through you as well!

So what do you have to do in order to let life work through you? In my experience, besides being present and aware, you just have to read the signs of life! (And please note: The very “silent” signs you could easily overlook are sometimes the most powerful ones…)

The second hint: Follow your joy! Joy is a very reliable indicator, and a compass that helps you navigate.

Last but not least you need courage to follow life’s impulses – even if they seem to be crazy at first sight! To illustrate what I mean and to finish my text, I’d like to tell you a story: One day, I was on my way to a yogastudio I never visited before when I crossed a floral shop. All of a sudden, I had the strong impulse to buy 12 white roses and bringt them along. But this impulse seemed so crazy that I didn’t buy the flowers, telling me that I do not know the owner and that I just wanted to see their room for an upcoming event (no occasion to bring some flowers!).

When I arrived at the studio, the owner showed me the room, excusing that she didn’t replace the flowers yet. There, on the sideboard I saw 12 faded white roses…

Nicole Ming supports

Lola | Fred - For yogis green at heart


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