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One Word for the World – A face ! A word ! A message!

We will travel 90 countries and 10 indigenous peoples, and photograph the “difference” between them. These differences are often times what separates us more than it unites us. We will capture the beauty of these comunities inhopes that it will inspire others to view these unique characteristics as human wealth that should bring us close togetherinstead of pushing us farther apart.

Each model will select the word that he/she wants to shout to the world. That word will be written on their forehead for the portrait. With each photograph,the model will be free to leave a personnal message. We will ensure that for once the land Heard to the least of its nooks.

Today more then ever, at the time of tensions and fear of the unknown which invade the world. we need to hear a comfort message, and we will do our possible tu push that message at each corner of this world.

We’ll take you the end of the world on your feet.



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