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Pauline Burgener

Out of Switzerland… We’ve met her through her young son and prodigy Pat Burgener. She’s the mother each child might dream of, opening up all possibilities for the child to follow his dream and succeed in life. She stands and fights for what she thinks is right, and she often achieves her goals. Once she told us, that she was facing a director of a school in concern of her son, but with a closed heart. And she told him that as long as he had his heart closed and felt aggressed by her, no enriching exchange was possible. After a few drinks, he came back to her, stating that he had his heart open now, and that they could talk. Suddenly, he even didn’t need a translator anymore! Pauline is Doctor in Biology and runs her own laboratory with Dr. Burgener spas and products, travels the world for her job, is an activist in the cause for women’s rights and from close cares for her 3 sons career. Pauline also helps people in need, sees openings and connections only she can see and succeeds wonderfully in life with her visions and her femininity. She’s a connector and life-enhancer for so many people. An inspiration to following and a living tool helping us access our own potential.


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