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A Poem for the US by Max Ribner

I can hear the ocean right now
She is singing beyond words
I can see a crescent moon
Projecting her sliver of his ray
Light stronger than the Newsfeed
Sounds stronger than Videos
Life keeps moving
Tide in
Tide out
Breath in
Breath out
Can you see past the illusion?
Can you hear something bigger?
Ancient democracies still exist
It may be uncomfortable
But that swell will pass
And then another will come
For this is life
This is your choice
Right now
To walk your talk.
To stand stronger than before
To grow another feather
To build a bigger community
To lead heart forward
To take action
To stop…& listen
To that old giant sea
Who is calling for help
Systems, nations are wounded
Yet through self dignity & power
Can all be healed
Yes – through our soulful song
Through our soulful poetry
It can all be done
For love, in many forms
Is the remedy…

Max Ribner – Medecine For The People

Keri supports

7sky.life Connection 'Zero Field' au Kaufleuten Zurich, le 28 novembre 16


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