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PuraWorka – Crowdfunding for a dream worklifestyle!

Have you ever wondered about the number of hours you spend at work during your lifetime? Have you ever wondered whether those hours could be spent in paradise? Doing what you cherish the most. Not once retired, nor after life. but as of…now!

Magda El Sadek, half Swiss, half Egyptian and Neil Beecroft, half Valaisan, half English, left major corporations to launch coworking (shared office) spaces in beautiful destinations around the world!

The exciting start-ups world isn’t new to them, having both already experienced it in the past.

The future of working, workspace and their flexibility is a burning subject. Moreover, millennials are rising, they are digital natives and nomads. PuraWorka seizes this revolution and will both boost its digital platform and physical coworking spaces to accommodate this new worklifestyle.

It all started with shared values and a strong desire to encourage a more balanced lifestyle to each and everyone of their customers: from women (▽) to men (△), from mountain peaks to the beach side, from sunrise to sunset, PuraWorka allows you to balance your work with all the opportunities of working remotely in beautiful locations. Enclosed in triangles, the symbolism is rooted in Nature’s elements: Fire, Earth, Water and Wind. By reaching out to our environment, illustrated here by the iceberg, we stay connected to our bodies, our psyches and our spirits and are therefore conscious of our impact.

Through its digital platform, end users will be able to decide which add-on they wish to enjoy from their dream locations, from a simple co-working (shared office) space, to tasty food and beverages, thrilling sports & culture, stimulating workshops, comfy accommodation, secure transport, and much more. PuraWorka will democratise co-working!

Imagine skiing fresh powder or surfing the best waves in the morning with your relatives, then logging back on to your laptop in the afternoon to finish your project update, before going out to celebrate your day? Press repeat, every single day for the rest of your NEW life! Either way, the job will be done and within deadlines.

Are you the kind of person who checks your emails on holiday? Why always wait all year round for that week of vacation when you will now be able to work from that same wonderful place? The notion of workspace is being redefined, why not make nature become your office? At home, freelancers face solitude, dictatorship of the kitchen fridge, or a lack of inspiration. On the other hand, does your company still need an Headquarter today, and for how long?

Today PuraWorka announces their initial location, by the ocean in Indonesia where they look forward to welcoming you in early 2018. They will launch the first co-working space in Lombok and work hard to welcome locals too! They are also finalizing their mountain location in Valais, Switzerland where they are still searching for the jewel.

PuraWorka’s team needs your support through their crowdfunding campaign, this will boost their digital platform. By joining PuraWorka’s community, this would partake in creating a positive disruption in how and where people will work. PuraWorka believe that this community could be the accelerator, the sculptor who will help them shape work towards an art of living! The Crowdfunding campaign provides a taste of what PuraWorka will consist of. Partnerships are showcased and exciting awards await you, don’t miss out on them!



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