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PuraWorka Zermatt Launches the First CoWorking of the resort!

PuraWorka is celebrating its CoWorking opening in Zermatt at Hotel Admiral

Zermatt, Valais, December 2018 – PuraWorka is excited to announce its CoWorking space launch at Hotel Admiral Zermatt and invites you to come celebrate this exciting opening on the 15th and 16th of December at Hotel Admiral Zermatt. With live music, special guests, food, drinks and exciting entertainment and activities, PuraWorka is proud to showcase its CoWorking space where users can utilize its modern yet cozy work space which includes state of the art meeting rooms, fresh free refreshments and be part of a growing gig economy and the digital revolution. Tickets for the opening are available HERE.

Music at the event will be a hit with Buddy Beard feat John Born playing with Jan, Zermatter drummer. Grégory Tâche, will be once again our special guest DJ and will ensure to get people dancing!

Neil Beecroft, co-founder of PuraWorka said “I am thrilled to collaborate with Hotel Admiral and partner with local businesses like Matterhorn Diamonds and Zermatt Kaffee Rösterei to present our users with services that are customized & sustainable, thrilling sports & great coffee with comfy accommodation, secure transport, and much more. PuraWorka will democratize CoWorking!”.

PuraWorka is a startup Swiss company founded in 2017 and based in Martigny, Switzerland that creates CoWorking and CoLiving spaces in beautiful destinations. Founded by doers, professionals, adventurers and athletes, PuraWorka shapes work into an art of living with services that are customized & sustainable, adapted to surrounding Elements.

December is a time for celebrations and we believe this is a celebration not to be missed.


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