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When you don’t act, you have a lukewarm heart… with Marianne Sébastien of Voix Libres…

… what an example of a society, Voix Libres… where women who have come out of domestic violence, children who have come out of the mines, children who have been raped, who have witnessed the murder of their mothers by their fathers, become, among other things, lawyers to defend women. And where the children of today and the women taken in by the Association Voix Libres become the leaders of tomorrow. Do you realize that the beneficiaries of Voix Libres work today with the police and the Bolivian military to bring meditation and peace, and go to the prison to teach non-violence to the prisoners? What an example of a society, Voix Libres, that needs our support.

Personally, I donate 30 francs every month, with this amount, a child from the mine, from the tunnel, an orphan child, receives love, a roof over his head, food, education, a family, a life… the women receive micro-credits that allow them to start their ‘business’ and Voix Libres can continue its magnificent work!

We are talking about more than 400’000 beneficiaries per year, more than 2.5 million people already helped! This is extraordinary and it is concrete!… This is what our world needs today, that we act… for love, for sovereignty, for peace and for truth… THANK YOU…

Coco Tache supports

Voix Libres at the 7sky.life Connection VI Lausanne. "The real crisis is not economic and social, but a crisis of love."


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