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Robin Finger

Isn’t it always magic the way we meet people? To meet Robin Finger, the man behind the success instagram-page @discoverearth was such a moment. You never know who you meet, but this time we had already a little idea, as our son Anthony got to know this same age man in his military service. And well, greatly inspired by the success encountered with his page, you invite him in the office to do an interview with him, curious about knowing how this success occurred.

And you learn that he IS the ORIGINAL on instagram of nature photos, that when he was a boy, he wanted to be Indiana Jones, he wanted to travel and to photograph, greatly inspired by his granddad and his brother. And one day, while observing Kayture’s success, Kristina Bazan, who went into the same school as him, he just thought: “why wouldn’t a page with the best nature photos function as good?” Today, there is no nature photographer who doesn’t know and appreciate him, and even if many other pages with similar content appeared, he still is and will always remain the original with this special type of photos you can only see on Discoverearth.

But much more than that, Robin Finger is a huge inspiration, overflowing with passion for what he is doing, grateful for the way life unfolds in front of him. When we presented him 7sky.life and asked him the question if he’d like to be part of the dreamteam, a big yes from the heart came back to us! And this is just the beginning…


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