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Sabine Devlieger – to get on the move together

We have already spoken to each other several times on the phone, but to get to know her live and really understand what she’s realizing with her partner Max, with the members of 150 associations from over 30 countries, with thousands of children and young people, but also with women’s associations and entire communities, is almost unimaginable. And this is only the beginning.

September 21, the ‘International Day of Peace’, she organizes in Dakar as part of the 10-year action plan launched on July 25: “Dakar, creative city for peace, prosperity and the SDGs” with the Senegalese youth. The entire city of Dakar in Senegal is meeting with the mayors of the 19 municipalities, international associations, youth and women’s associations, university students, businesses, local traders and their children to celebrate peace in a creative way and also to put into practice a great collective innovation for the 17 goals for sustainable development (SDGs).

At the same time, ‘Trees of Peace’ will take place in synergy in 19 schools throughout the city of Dakar, with a large “Sending out of of Peace Doves with the Heart Coherence”, which will be carried out jointly by all children and communities at 11:11 a.m.

“The aim is to ‘green up’ the capital city again as a holistic and sustainable solution to many problems related to poverty, food security, drastic reduction of air pollution, soil remediation, regulation of hydrometry, lowering temperatures, creation of many jobs, prevention of rural exodus. The aim is to reintroduce this ancestral know-how in agroforestry also in rural areas by training and supporting young farmers who had left the countryside to find work in the city. They can then return home and restore biodiversity in their villages with manure trees ‘arbres fertilitaires’ while being supported and accompanied in this local, rich and autonomous success story. These tree species are capable of forming humus in 2 years – which takes 15,000 years for nature and between 7 and 20 years for man in collaboration with nature”. What an incredible project of abundance and fertility!”

These trees, that bring us back to ourselves, to our inner strength, to our alignment in the balance between earth and sky. These trees that communicate with us, that inspire us and bring us so many answers to our questions. These trees, without which we simply would not be! They are much more than we think. “Trees and forests, the most sustainable living organisms on earth, are a model in applied science for all of us!  So let us give them a place in our hearts, in our lives, and include them in our great charitable association. We are one!”

“Our creative power is immense, and we can learn again to use our ‘inner technology’ in full awareness to manifest new and better possibilities. We are all capable of creating, innovating and manifesting so much more than we can imagine!”

“Today we are all invited to get on the move together. What is wonderful is that with every breath we can choose peace. And if we do this together, by having the same vision, the magnetic field will open up and we will create the world we all dream of. This is also the place where everyone recognizes the soul and beauty of each other. »

Coco Tache supports

In Château d'Oex, a new world is created


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