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Do good to you, by Christina von Dreien

By Christina von Dreien

Dear ones,

We talk a lot about love. Love for other people, for animals, for the earth. But today I want to talk about love for ourselves. If we love ourselves, accept ourselves and value ourselves, we also care for ourselves.

But again and again and especially in the present time, our life circumstances are often not as we would like them to be, they are not perfect and make sure that we do not have everything that would be necessary for us to be well everywhere.

To that end, I’d like to share with you a realization:

Sometimes you don’t feel good on all levels, even if you are doing your best to feel good. Sometimes life circumstances are just too strange for that. In this case, “looking after yourself” and doing well means that you are doing as well as you can, under the circumstances. That you listen to your needs as best you can.

Even if the circumstances are not perfect, we should always make the best out of it.

Just this attitude and intention of wanting to do good for ourselves puts something very important and positive into the collective field. And we remember that our love is not only for our environment, but also for ourselves.

Your Christina


How we get out of this mess


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