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Stop 5G – Halleluja… It’s a miracle. We have been heard

There is great joy amongst the team of the frequencia, an environmental and consumer organisationfounded at Pentecost, which is committed to opposing forced irradiation through mobile telephony whilst defending freedom of choice of the communication supply so that life will be preserved. By separating the indoor and outdoor network coverage, the radiation limit values set by our authorities could be drastically reduced, for the benefit of humans, fauna and flora. frequencia demands a national moratorium on 5G technology, as the health and environmental risks, already largely demonstrated in many independent studies on 2G, 3G, 4G and wi-fi technologies, are too high. For frequencia, technology must be at the service of the people and the environment, and not the other way around.

With less than 10,000 francs and a committed volunteer team, frequencia succeeded in bringing together more than 3000 people on the Federal Square in Bern 21st September 2019. 15 captivating speakers, experts, citizens, doctors, politicians and activists rocked the podium. Trilingual, frequencia also brought together the whole of Switzerland. With its demands, it has clearly set the path that hundreds of media have adopted and relayed around the world.

The time for action has come. All of us, EVERY one of us has an essential role to play, and we all count.

There are solutions and we hope that they will be taken into account around the world so that we can offer our children the best possible future. We do not want a world where the machine, the computers are in control, where we will all be remotely controlled and monitored, and where consumption, energy consumption and resource exploitation set the tone. We are divine beings and we are powerful when we privilege our heart and mind over money and power… Oh YES! The start signal has been given. With the sale of 5G licenses without our consent, without regard for the well-being of its citizens, the State has made it clear that it is only interested in the interests of the economy. And who represents the people?

Excerpt from the closing speech of Tamlin Schibler Ulmann, co-president of frequencia, and Coco Tache, member of the frequencia committee:

“Look at us, we are just a group of committed citizens, some very specialized, certainly, but look at how many people we have gathered today? So imagine how many people we can gather, if we all get down to it? We hope that after hearing all our speakers, (you’ll find the speeches soon on the English version of frequencia.ch) you realize how much hope and solutions there are. We hope you realize just how powerful and numerous we are. Let’s mobilize, all of us together. There are many possibilities for this.

  • You can join frequencia or any other association that is committed to this cause, because unity is strength.
  • At frequencia, we are committed to doing everything possible to ensure that in the future, technologies will serve people and the environment, and not the other way around.
  • Ask independent and competent organizations and raise awareness among others around you.
  • Prevent the construction of new antennas or their upgrading to 5G. Experienced people can help you.
  • We will launch an online information campaign next week.
  • We will explore all the levers of political, scientific and citizen action.
  • But to be effective, we need you, your strengths and your abilities.
  • Every action counts. The time for action has come. »

We hope that the call has arrived and we look forward to welcoming you soon at frequencia as an active supporter, as an information spreader or as a partner who cares about the same thing as us: LIFE, TRUTH AND LOVE before POWER, EXPLOITATION AND PROFIT.




Coco Tache supports

It's all a question of frequency - frequencia is on! The Stop 5G National Event 21.9.2019 is on


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