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The Game Changers – We’ll never see meat the same way again…

Since childhood we have been told that meat, milk and, in general, animal proteins are synonymous with physical strength. And, apart from Popeye, who drew his energy from a can of spinach, no one had yet associated a Herculean strength with a vegetable diet… But if I tell you that gladiators’ bones have been found to contain traces of a strictly vegetarian diet, you will begin to wonder about this belief. This documentary directed by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan and produced by Lewis Hamilton, Chris Paul and Novak Djokovic shows, with supporting evidence, that physical strength, recovery, hormones, including that precious testosterone, as well as healing and health are promoted by a diet based on plant proteins. But if I add that the quality of the blood is improved, that of the erections incomparably better, this time you will see the carrots and lettuce in a completely different light.

Where awareness of animal welfare, where the common sense of our climatic survival might fail to convince human beings that it is high time to change our eating habits, this documentary made in the USA might well awaken the majority to the benefits of a vegetarian diet.

Link on the 1h25 movie on Netflix –> HERE

Valérie Penven supports

When will we wake up? From the shadow to the light


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