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The Landfill Harmonic

A Symphony of the human spirit  is a beautiful documentary, released on the 17th of February, that tells the story of a creative miracle. It all happened in a very pour area of Paraguay where a group of young people, guided by visionary music director Favio Chavez, transformed trash and harship into possibilities. From the landfill, a mountain of trash where these people live they sorted out the elements to create instruments for a whole orchestra. The kids started studying music and, pushed by the longing to offer their people a message of hope, they became better and better. Now they travel the world sharing music and a powerful message of transformation and human resilience!

Landfill Harmonic follows the Recycled Orchestra of Cateura, a Paraguayan musical group that plays instruments made entirely out of garbage. When their story goes viral, the orchestra is catapulted into the global spotlight. Under the guidance of idealistic music director Favio Chavez, the orchestra must navigate a strange new world of arenas and sold-out concerts. However, when a natural disaster strikes their community, Favio must find a way to keep the orchestra intact and provide a source of hope for their town. The film is a testimony to the transformative power of music and the resilience of the human spirit.



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