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There would be no more wars, if us, the humans…

– would remind us of our divinity. If we came together as brothers and sisters of the world, respecting all cultures and religions, knowing that we come from the same creator and that we had all the same birth rights.

– we would build such a strong force, caring for each other, remembering that we are all issued from the same Source, so much spreading our light, that no other power could ever win over us any more.

– we’d concentrate on the beauty of our world and all the gifts that are given to us, starting with our breath of life and the incredible miracle which is our body, where trillions of cells collaborate in order to make our life possible. We’d fall on our knees and we would understand that there is a strength in us, so much stronger than we can ever imagine, and that this strength lives in every being.

– we would understand that the greatest glue there is, is love. That if we are in love, we take the other by the hand, we love him/her exactly the way she/him is, and we’d do everything that he/she is doing fine and that he can realise him/herself fully, if this is his/her wish. But we’d also respect him/her, if she/him is not ready yet.

– started to truly collaborate in a social manner, leaving the controller behind us, this that always wants to know better, to be better, to do better than the ones besides of us, and if we started to see the same beauty, maybe still well hidden, in the one in front of us. Knowing that we are all individually equipped with incredible talents and gifts, constituting, while beautifully accorded together an incredible painting, an incredible music. We then could only support each other, so that each one could finally enter into action.

– knew, that we have created our bodies, that we have chosen our families, that we are exactly in the right place with the right capacities in the right moment to make the big shift we’ve all been waiting for for so so many years, happen, that this moment has come now, we’d step into action.

– we entered our self-reliance, self-love and self-trust, if we saw clearly and stopped feeding the old system sill in place, so well organised in order to feed our fear, our fear of lack, of death, of losing our existence. If we knew that we are enough, we’d give space to our ingenuity, accept our difference, ignite our full potential.

– if we knew that our dreams create our reality and that each thought creates our life, we’d stop feeding bad thoughts that harm our joy and our well functioning in the first place, and we’d concentrate on that which makes us advance.

– if we relied to all the animals and plants there are, we’d understand that we all work together, and that it is through our remembrance of unity, our faith, our will of benevolence for all forms of life, that we access the kingdom of God.

There are forces on earth that do not want us to make this happen. Since thousands of years, these forces put all their money, all their times and reflections into strategies that harm us and communicate about it. That which helps us easily forget of who we are and where we come from. The products that come out of it are called chemtrails, glyphosate, fluor, aluminium, 5G, Wifi and more. We can find them in the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat. And when our energy is low and when we are in pain, all these low vibrating stimulants affect us even more. While when we nourish our good thought-hygiene and let our joy arise, all this will affect much less, until we remember again who we are and where we come from.

It is therefore good to know that these forces live from our fear of separation that occur with each judgement, be it through our thoughts, words or actions. The water in our body doesn’t make a difference if we direct the judgement towards others or ourselves. And the more we nourish our water with thoughts of love towards ourselves and the others, the more we chase the shadow with our own light.

We are all invited today to stop following the masses that still orient their thought on what they don’t want anymore, not knowing that by concentrating on it, they keep it alive, but to listen to the voice of our heart and by acting accordingly. The time of crossed arms is over, if we walk the path of love and compassion, we become the best example for all the others, and if each one did the same, the war in the small and the war in the big would finally end in order to let peace and love reign above our earth.

Coco Tache supports

Never loose faith, it’s getting better and better. And WE matter!


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