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This is what happens when incredible people meet incredible products…

An interview with Felix Buchbinder, CEO of Iswari Switzerland. A superfood company that I have personally become a huge fan of a couple of years ago, still selling organic teas in Ireland… Today I am a proud supporter of Iswari Switzerand, a small company growing fast, bringing wonderful, fair, organic superfoods into our little mountain country. It is the story of the CEO’s of the different countries that fascinates me. It is not your usual story. It is not your “business-plan” perfect kinda organised story. It is a story of special humans on a mission. And here we go:

Felix, who are you? Tell us in a few words what is most unusual about your life, your person and what you do for a living!

The easiest question first! I could answer this with thousands of words, descriptions about my life, personality or habits, but in the end, I am just me. A little human being, dancing to the rhythm of my soul. Everything is unusual about my life. Just the fact that there is no other life like mine and that this is the same for every living thing is simply the strangest thing in the world. After understanding that my human life is extremely short I decided to do only what feels right, what makes me happy and what truly nurtures the longing of my being. I think this formula could work for everyone. It’s more an attitude towards life, an internal thing than what you have or do on the outside.

We know, you are bringing since a few years an organic superfoods brand to Switzerland, called Iswari. What brought you to this mission?

Iswari means Goddess in Sanskrit. I believe it was her who put me on this mission. I believe there is a profound magic in life and that there are many forces at work, which we cannot see, touch or understand with our mind. I believe, these forces guide us during our life and help us to manifest the most beautiful things. Sometimes we are lucky to get just a little glimpse and understand only for a short moment why we are doing what we are doing every day of our lives. These moments are enough to keep me happy and confident for weeks and months. I believe there is a silent voice guiding us all the time and that we can always call on this help and that the more we do the more the beauty of our life rolls out in front of us like a wonderful flower.

 How are superfoods different from „other foods?“

Between normal foods and medicinal plants is the zone of superfoods. These can be compared to normal foods, but because they have so many special healing properties and a high density of nutrients, they often get recommened by health coaches and natural healing therapists. Superfoods fall into the category of health foods. They can be consumed like normal foods, but they also have positive effects on the mind and body.  

In what way can superfoods support humanity to progress into a new consciousness of more mindful consumption?

The main thing about superfoods is that they are very rich in nutrients. Therefore, you do not need to eat huge quantities to receive their benefits. A mindful consumption does not necessarily mean to eat only very small portions, but it means to eat food which nourishes your body and mind. You need to listen to the signals of your body and understand what food it is asking for. Doing fasting cures and mind-body awareness training help us to reconnect to ourselves and the true needs and desires of ourselves. A healthy well-balanced diet including daily quantities of superfoods can help us stay healthy and feel the positive effects they have on our whole system.

The problem with the heavy consumption society – at least in the foods world – is that the mainstream foods offered are often very low in nutrients. This means many people consume a lot of food, which is mostly not grown in a biological or sustainable way and at the same time only offer very few nutrients to the body. The digestive system gets heavily charged, the body gets flooded with low quality nutrients or even “empty food” and this practiced over many years has a very negative effect on the environment and the body.

Can you see superfoods as a transition from a stressful daily life to a more relaxed, aware and grateful reality?

Superfoods are extremely rich in many vital nutrients. They help the body replenish the nutrients it needs in a very efficient way. The proteins, vitamins and minerals originate only from leaves, roots, seeds or algae and come in a fine powdered form. They are very easily absorbed and assimilated by the body. This means the batteries get recharged very fast and give us energy for the whole day while making us more resistant to stress and the daily challenges too.

Superfoods can be easily prepared in drinks or added to other meals which make them very simple and fast to consume, so they are an ideal complement for a fast paced or stressful life style.

When you use superfoods in your cereals, smoothie, shakes, yoghurts or cooking you are consciously taking a decision to add foods to your meal which will help heal and strengthen your body. This decision underlines your effort to be aware and conscious throughout your day. Eating in a healthy and conscious way makes us happier for so many reasons. We give our body the best fuel and in return it makes the millions of processes happening every minute flow perfectly. There are superfoods for many different purposes. For example Maca helps to balance the hormonal system so it helps us be more calm and vital, Raw Cacao Powder is rich in magnesium and vitamin B6 which both support a normal functioning of the nervous system and Chlorella helps the body eliminate heavy metals and other pollutants stuck in our bodies. This detoxification cleans the body and allows it to function better giving us more energy and making us feel rejuvenated.

 Which products would you suggest for a newbie?

The first Superfoods I started using were Spirulina and Maca. Both can be used in so many ways, taste great and have amazing health benefits. I still love these two energy bombs. They can easily be integrated as a daily supplement to any diet, so I can definitely recommend Maca and Spirulina for newbies..


Thank you Felix for sharing a little part of you and Good Luck with all your ventures!! Happy to support you! 🙂






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