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Une Chanson pour l’Education

A song for education

“A song for education” is a sensibilisation project from Enfants du Monde lead by the Compagny Zappar.

About 800 students, 16 schools and 16 artists are participating for a world supporting better education and access for everybody. During a certain period, students reflect on their right about education. With the help of artists each school writes their song reflecting their thoughts and wishes. The album of the 4th edition of “Une Chanson pour l’Education” includes 16 songs that will be released on the 27th of April.

Artists involved: Junior Tshaka, Carrousel, Pascal Rinaldi, Aliose, Zedrus, Fraissinet, Thierry Romanens, Sébastien Peiry, Alif Naaba, Maï Lingani, Patrick Kabré, Dicko Fils, Gasandji, Hervé Peyrard, Mustafa Naham et Carlou D.

Photo exhibition takes place in the Romandie during the campaign week for education (25.04 – 01.05).


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