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UNIFY FEST – 22nd-25th September, Santa Fe

4 Day Transformational Music, Yoga, and Health Festival in Santa Fe, NM

Over 170 Performances, Workshops, Yoga Classes, and Ceremonies across 5 epic stages, UNIFY FEST is a next-level paradigm shifting transformational festival dedicated to unifying humanity, celebrating life, and leaving the land better than we found it! Headliners include; Trevor Hall, Mike Love, Desert Dwellers, Kaminanda, Lily Fangz, Bluetech, Peia, Tina Malia, Jaya Lakshmi and Ananda, Dustin Thomas, Supaman, Ayla Nereo, Earth Guardians, Tubby Love and many more.

For 4-inspiring days thousands of people are invited to experience a fun and conscious music and health festival that unites, inspires, and educates each of us to live in more harmony with the planet, increase our health through high-vibrational products and education, and connect deeper to our life’s purpose while learning to live sustainably on the land and honoring the planet and all living beings.

We are taking a step back in time to help revive and bring forth native, localized, communal practices and understandings while bridging new scientific discoveries and empowering skillsets of permaculture, biodynamics, and sustainable living to co-create living community, vibrant health, and meaningful relationships and experiences all while learning to live and experience borderless Unification of Humanity. All of this takes place at the beautifully preserved and naturally designed sacred 200-acre grounds of Las Golondrinas in Santa Fe, NM.

The land of enchantment, Santa Fe is highly regarded as the 2nd largest art center in the country and is revered as a spiritual city where indigenous culture and sustainable living still permeates the lives of many locals. Unify Fest is designed as a charity-based event helping raise proceeds to build a non-profit sustainable-school and eco-community – and you are invited to be uplifted and empowered with thousands of people during UnifyFest 2016.

Visit the Website at: http://www.UnifyFest.com/
Like the Facebook Page at: https://www.facebook.com/unifyfestsantafe

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