So many truths come out lately, telling us what’s going on out there, and how much we have been manipulated… Let’s say, how much we have LET us manipulate.
And from this moment on, it’s the question of choice… are we going to change something…? BE! this change we’ve always wanted to see? Offer our kids an incredible future? Or do we continue waiting?
Claudia Stauber from Cabin Talk brings it beautifully on the point… How kids start to be put in the box from day 1 on, what vaccins do to us, what electronical devices do to the brains of children. It is totally scary, and yet, it’s our choice to accept it or not. We wouldn’t anybody eat our children, neither. So why do we say yes to vaccins that harm them greatly? That put chemistry in them we don’t even know what for, that contains aluminium and blocks up our pineal gland. Having now all this information, we absolutely do not have to subscribe to this whole system in place, we can go other ways. Ways that sound right to our hearts and souls, and the ones from our children, family, friends, nature! We can RE-build this world, TODAY! In collaborating, supporting each other. Question our great habits, the stuff what we read and see in the mainstream media, and bring out the new solutions. Everything can be built new from scratch from now on, it is happening, and we are SO MANY!.. And here you find Claudia’s Cabin Talk Youtube Channel.