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Once the heart of a person is opened.. by Jamie Sams

“Once the heart of a person is opened and she/he discovers the marvel of life, it is the flood of creation that is offered to her/him. As long as the heart remains open, it fills until it overflows, because the incessant course of creation flows through the whole being of the person. One can then create from pure joy and, with practice, refine his/her skills to make his/her life and all that one chooses to create, a masterpiece. Some call this state: to be in love, to be in love is not necessarily to be in the love with another person, but being in the love with the living, of human life on this wonderful planet, soliciting and grasping the potential of joy in every action of life.”

Jamie Sams


Marie Majkowiez supports

How everything in this world is reigned by the sacred geometry: Nature by Numbers


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