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Whatever challenge comes on our pathway, just keep moving

We just heard this beautiful story brought to us by the spiritual leader Gaur Gopal Das. It’s story of a 5 people family, 3 children and the parents. When the dad heard that the Titanic would do its first voyage from England to America, he bought 5 tickets. With his life-savings ! Not refundable. But guess what, 1 week before departure, his son got bitten by a dog and the doctor wanted to put the boy into quarantine. He saw the boat leaving, cried, but he had decided to stay and support his son and wife.
Just 5 days later, when the Titanic had sank, he started looking for the dog! Imagine.
“Not everything goes like what we have envisioned for our lives. This is exactly why it is a great need to go with the flow, to not be rigid about what we have decided, to learn to change our strategy as per the need of the moment, adjust our plans, adapt to the challenges that life throws at us. Adopt new strategies to match those of our opponent in life, apply the greatest virtue of flexibility. Don’t be rigid, let’s learn a very important lesson from the river Ganga. As she emanates from the Himalayan mountains with her plan to move and reach her destination. She is not rigid. She is extremely flexible, as sometimes mountains throw challenges in the form of rocks on her path. But she does not stop, she will either go above them or under them, around them. But she keeps moving, until she reaches her destination. Whatever challenge comes on our pathway, just keep moving.”

By the way, this man is hugely inspiring… check him out on Youtube.


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