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Why I fell for the natural handmade Zulay deodorant made in Switzerland!

On my search for an organic, healthy deodorant, I fell on Zulay. Products made in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Zulay Buchs. A couple of years ago, she embarked on a path of eating healthy and naturally. She then quickly realized, that her newly discovered holistic path also included caring for her skin. Our largest organe, absorbing everything we put on it. (Our skin actually plays an essential role in supporting the life of our entire body, including our immune system.)

Zulay first bought natural deodorants and simply couldn’t find one, that was effective. Since those deodorants didn’t satisfy her expectations, she started creating her own deodoratns and lovingly tested them on her husband and her friends! The results were outstanding and left her inspired to to create products, that would benefit not only her own health, but also the health of her husband and eventually her child.

The result is an outstanding product, handmade in Neuchatel Switzerland with the promise to pureness. Aluminum, parabens, harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances, genetically modified organisms (GMO), silicones, synthetic colors, preservatives, or any form of added herbicides or pesticides… things that are bad for you and the environment are  things you are not going to find in the Zulay products.

So let’s have a look on its ingredients:

– Shea butter: the seed of a tree

–  Arrow Powder: the root of a plan

– Coconut Oil: we all know that one! 😉

– Baking Soda: a natural rising agent (like in your bread!)

– Candelilla: a natural vegetable wax from the Euphorbia Cerifera plant

– Vitamin E: derived from sunflowers

– Essential Oils

I am quite happy with this ingredient list and can only recommend the Zulay deodorants with all my heart!! Sonia Sarina


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