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Us humans, we are SO important for our soils! the field concert

“Getting in touch with our soil – The field concert of 22nd July in Rengoldshausen

Just imagine – We are all aware of the impact that direct contact with the soil has on us and our environment.

Imagine if we sang to the soil or made music for it, as indigenous peoples have always done. You’ve probably heard the expression, “The Lord’s boot is the best fertilizer?” The attention that farmers pay to their soil directly affects their harvest. The singing of birds around fruit trees near vegetable patches or vineyards also contributes to better harvests.

What might happen if a state orchestra played Beethoven’s 6th symphony for the soil, while many people connect with it? Imagine if the soil became aware of itself thanks to all our attention, including its microorganisms, fungi, earthworms, devas, elemental beings, and all the life that emanates from it! Let’s visualize how trillions of microorganisms reflect and send back to us their gratitude and love for this unique moment, where we humans have consciously put ourselves in connection with the soil’s life. What effect will this colossal attention have on the earth’s life?

This moment is about to happen, and you can “feel” it in the video below (in German language).

On July 22, 2023, the Nuremberg State Philharmonic will reunite with 40 of its musicians at the Rengoldshausen farm near Lake Constance (CH). Together with the Swiss Bio Foundation, the farmers of the Soil Fertility Fund, and another 500 people, they will pay homage to the soil on this July 22nd, create synergies, and celebrate the soil fertility.

If all goes well, the entire event will be broadcast live and translated into many languages, reaching as many people’s hearts as possible, who will in turn become aware of their connection with the soil.

The time has come for us to become aware that Gaia is a living being, to enter into an intimate, joyful relationship with her, and to help her rebuild. It takes thousands of years for fallow soil, destroyed and weakened over many years by our carelessness, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides, to recover. But with the conscious effort of people, regeneration can happen in just a few years!

That’s why it’s crucial for us humans to deal with this issue actively, and we must all become aware that each of our purchasing decisions decides the fate of our soil! Conscious people are incredibly important!

Let’s remember that nature is our greatest pharmacy, architect, creative force, painter, inventor, and that we merely copy everything from nature! Let’s get in touch with nature and the life it gives us, and support this great action that affects all life.

Yes, I would like to support the Ackerkonzert.

Initiator: Mathias Forster of the Swiss Bio Foundation, which is also grateful for support for its essential soil fertility work, independent of the Ackerkonzert.

We have until tomorrow to support this excellent project.

Thank you, thank you, and with all our love, Coco, Priska, Bénédicte & Valeria***.


Coco Tache supports

Unsere nächsten Vernetzungstreffen im Dach-Raum


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