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Yaël Bruigom

Out of Switzerland. Sometimes, the people you have to partner up come to you. This is the case with Yaël. Over many years, she has always enchanted us with the encouraging feedbacks on our mails, with the stories she proposed to us and the causes she represents. Yaël is a lady living purely out of her heart. When we met, she was a passionate pole-dancer, and she has always been a woman of nature, she loves outdoor sports, specially trail running, walking in the mountains, sailing since she was really small and she is an excellent engaged PR lady working for causes she believes in. You can feel, that in her life, decisions are never taken by financial needs, but always to what her heart tells her to do. She’s been totally here for us, never stopped recommending us places and people to meet, without us being able to give her anything back. Now, I think this time has come, and we greatly and warmly welcome Yaël in our 7sky.life Dreamteam.



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