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Yannick Barthe : filming the third dimension

Hi, I’m Yannick, a swiss aviation filmmaker and aerial photographer. For 10 years, I have been specializing in creating aviation films and aerial photographies. I use the latest technology and video equipments to capture the beauty of flight with emotions and breathtaking images. Since 2012, I have been working with the Patrouille Suisse as main filmmaker for all video coverage of the team demonstrations in Switzerland and abroad. In 2014, I created my own film production company “Yannick Barthe Films” to answer the growing demand for my aerial work. To this day my videos has been viewed about 9 million times on the internet. In 2015, I have fully improved my workflow with the new 4K standard (cameras, lenses, workstation and drones). The third dimension like you’ve never seen it before.

Yannick Barthe supports

Franziska Neuhaus, Firedancer


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