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Benny Tâche

Out of Switzerland… Well, he’s my husband, and this since 27 years! Together, we’ve launched 7sky, and our coming together was meant to be, as he’s the rock in the water, the creator, the zen-master, the visionary, the esthete, the man who says yes to a woman who everyday brings in new crazy ideas, in order to help move our world in the right direction. It is thanks to him, that Ride for Shift and now 7sky.life was born, thanks to this man, who has given, without knowing it, 3 names to our magazines, that perfectly fit together: ‘PEOPLE’, ‘OPEN’ ‘7SKY’… People, open to the 7sky! The 7th Heaven exists… it is here, reachable, right now, and in pulling together, in manifesting it together, in recognizing the beauty of the other, in showing gratitude, we’re just about to let it access to everybody! And recognition often starts in the own family. This is crazy, and it is beautiful!!!… Yihaaaa…


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