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bluesign technologies

The A-Z solution for sustainable production!

bluesign is the system, that brings solutions of ‘clean production’ into the textile industry worldwide. Bluesign expert scientists and chemists go into factories and work hand in hand with suppliers, value chains and brands, in order to diminish drastically and erase harmful substances from the textile production list. They also put a special attention on workers conditions and help their partners to greatly save on raw energy, rawmaterial, air- and water pollution as well as waste. To be ‘bluesign’ certified means, that the system partner company is conscient about the impact textile production has on our Mother Earth, and that they are working constantly in diminishing the damages done on nature while producing their products. For us, ‘beeing’ bluesign is an absolute MUST for all big companies out there who care for nature!!

‘The bluesign® system is the solution for a sustainable textile production. It eliminates harmful substances right from the beginning of the manufacturing process and sets and controls standards for an environmentally friendly and safe production. This not only ensures that the final textile product meets very stringent consumer safety requirements worldwide but also provides confidence to the consumer to acquire a sustainable product.

How relevant is it to check finished products? Do they indicate, if problematic substances were used in an early stage-in process or if certain processes and production facilities are environmentally inefficient? On the basis of these considerations the bluesign® system has been established in 2000 by scientist Peter Waeber.

bluesign® considers the production processes as a whole. Therefore, the applied components and processes are thouroughly audited. The aim of our so-called Input Stream Management is for unsustainable substances not to enter the production cycle at all, but to be eliminated first. The crucial point is not the number of manufacturers involved or the number of processing steps. A clean process with sustainable ingredients is decisive at the end of which a marketable product enthuses the customers.

Input Stream Management helps the textile business to produce in an environmentally friendly and resource-efficient way combining both the economical and ecological advantages to the benefit of everyone involved.


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