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When 500 dollars can be worth much more than 50’000.

It seems to me that like never before, we are asked to rethink our relationship to money. Lynne Twist is also in this regard a revelation. She does not say it in the video below, but in her audiobook that ‘The Soul of Money’ … Money carries the soul of whoever has it. An incredible story is when a CEO of a huge food company made her a $ 50,000 check after 15 minutes of interview. She could have been happy, but she felt that this check included in it the bleaching of the conscience of the company! She did not only feel bad by accepting it, she even had a stomach ache.

In the afternoon of the same day, a fundraising event was organized for the Hunger Project in Africa, for which she has worked for 20 years. In Harlem, in the suburbs of New York, wondering if it was the right place to ask for money, a lady, appx. 70 years old, rose after Lynne’s speech saying, “Girl, my name is Gertrude. I love what you said, I love what you do and I like you. Now, I do not have a check book and I do not have a credit card, but for me the money is very similar to water. For some people, money flows through their lives like a savage river. When it comes into my life, it comes like tickles. But I would like to transmit it so that it does the greatest good to the greatest number of people. I consider this as my responsibility. And it’s also my joy. I have $ 50 in my purse that I received from a woman for a whitening job, and I would like to give it to you” and she gave her $ 50, in 1, 5, and 10 dollar notes, accompanied with a big hug. Once back at her place, others followed her example by making their own contributions. $ 1, $ 5, $ 10 and $ 20 bills. Lynne was crying. As she could not hold all the notes in her hand, she opened her bag for that it could be used as a container. On the bottom lied the check of 50’000.-. She felt the ceremonial energy of that moment, and in the end she had collected about $ 500. It was then that she realized that this $ 500 was worth more than the check she had received earlier in the day, and that this $ 500 would be more useful to end the hunger in the world. The money she had received from Gertrude bore the energy of her commitment, an imprint of her being, and as she had accepted it, she felt inspired and renewed by it. That evening, Gertrude’s animated and generous act gave impetus to the entire fundraising proceeding. For Lynne, this money was blessed.

The next day, she returned the $ 50,000 check to the CEO of the large food company, accompanied by a note. Saying she thanked him for his support, but wanted him to donate the money to a foundation he really believed in. And it was only years later that he came back to her, changed, transformed. I am very much looking forward to hear the continuation of this story.

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