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You have more control over your life and the current situation than you think

There is currently a massive war going on against all of humanity and it is absolutely right to face this attack. However, the decisive factor in winning this war is not with which weapons we fight, but with which consciousness.

The following is a groundbreaking guest article by Peter Andres:

How you can escape 5G and the Corona Wansinn once and for all.

Does it sometimes feel like the world is going crazy?

Maybe you feel like me.

For me at the moment, my flat is a mixture of office, living room, bedroom, party room, gym, think tank and resistance cell against all this madness going on in the world.

The little adventures that one is allowed to indulge are modest: rearranging some furniture, buying a new carpet for the bathroom, going barefoot on the balcony in the snow!

One “keeps the spirits up”. And try not to go crazy in a world that is trying to drive you mad more and more.

Just with all the fear and panic going around at the moment, one thing is very important to remember.

You have more control over your life and your situation than you think.

Too many people make a crucial mistake in trying to get their freedom and self-determination back. They understand the perfidious means by which the global agenda is being pushed through, but they don’t realise that you yourself are part of the plan.

They bite at every “emotional hook” put in front of them by the media and politics. Then they flounder like a fish on a fishing line. Feel trapped, frustrated, powerless and cut off from the world.

The crazy thing is, they themselves made the decision to bite the hook in the first place. To let their psyche be polluted with this filth. They chose to watch the video, the press conference or the newspaper article and react emotionally to it.

Okay look, I don’t want to hand out esoteric “feelgood” truths here. If the hygiene squad is at your door asking you to come along, that’s a very dicey situation. It is important to be realistic and to prepare for emergency situations.

But even from this very realistic perspective, two things are fact:

1. 99.999% of your worries, fears and horror scenarios in your head never come true. Or as Mark Twain said: “I am an old man and have known great difficulties, most of which have never come to pass.”

Every time you play out various dystopian visions of the future in your head, you take the energy and attention away from what you REALLY want.

You take away the positive vibes you need to face the horror. Without batting an eyelid! The positive vibes it takes to be a positive change in the world.

Who do you think has more impact on their environment and the people around them?

Someone who spends all day dealing with negative press reports and emotional abysses? Someone who is stressed, irritated and scared as a result?

Or someone who is glowing inside and has the fire of freedom in his eyes?

And let me ask you another important question:

What feelings do you think the transhumanists (Deep State, Cabal, or whatever you want to call them) want to implant in you?

Feelings of isolation and fear? Or feelings of courage and connection?

You are an electromagnetic transmitter and all your feelings, thoughts, words and actions influence the electromagnetic field and the reality in which you live. Quite practically measurable. Very real. And every time you imagine the dystopia, you send exactly the same vibration to those around you.

What I really want to suggest to you is this. Don’t close your eyes to reality. Make a stand. Do all that your heart deems right. But don’t focus all your energy on a vision that some psychopaths have made up for you.

You need a vision of your own, a positive vision. A vision that brings you courage and joy. Something that gives you hope and faith. And if you don’t have a vision right now, then just dance a round in your living room and start singing! 🙂 After that, some ideas will come into your head. Take responsibility for the frequencies you send out.

For my part, I also see a very positive evolution. Every day, more and more people wake up and realise what a great health risk, but also what fantastic potential electromagnetic pulsed fields bring with them.

Even the major mobile phone provider Orange has recently published an article pointing out the dangers of electromagnetic pulsed waves. I see my vision of a healthy 5G for humanity getting a little closer every day.

Just imagine if we harmonised all the 5G radiation in the world. A health burden that messes up the electromagnetic field of mankind would become harmonisers that help mankind to more health and vitality.

This is a vision that is worthwhile and that drives me every day.

Your Peter Andres

Health consultant in the field of information medicine
CEO SwissMedtechSolutions AG
Founder ac blueplanet GmbH


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