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Fernando Aguerre


Out of America… He was the one who made us realize and see, 18 years ago, that there were signs everywhere. The day his father died, he was sitting on a beach in California, when dolphins came in front of him and started to present him a breathtaking spectacle. He had a glance at his watch, just reflecting if now was the time that maybe this was a sign and that his father in the hospital might have died. And it was the time! Thanks to his great revelation, Fernando offered us the huge gift to start to see connections all around us, and the magic of signs everywhere started for us to unfold. Things we would never have thought possible became possible, people and happenings started to occur in our lives, and it was NO coincidence. YES, we do owe Fernando Aguerre a lot. And even if he lives far, even if we don’t contact each other much, he is a great part of this movement, and he has his role to play. Fernando was the creator of Reef Shoes, is a surfer and great motivational speaker! Fernando, thank you, if you knew how important you were for us…


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