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La Bergère des Glaces. Alone with 300 goats on 5000 metres of altitude.

Somewhere in the Gya-Miru valley in Ladakh, in the far north of India, on the high plateaus of the Himalayas at over 5000m altitude, lives the shepherdess Tsering surrounded by her 300 sheep and goats “Pashmina” in the middle of a huge desert mountain. With only her herd and the presence of wolves and a snow leopard, a small radio is her only relation to the world …

Stanzin, her brother, and Christiane, followed her for a year with respect and admiration. A rare testimony of her life, light years apart of the Western industries to which her wool is intended.

The company lesfilmsdeladécouverte is engaged in an equitable coproduction process with young producers and directors from different countries. It is motivated by the desire to create a collection of documentaries that give the point of view “from the inside”, moving away from a miserabilistic or exotic look and privileging an authentic knowledge of each civilization. The films of the discovery also produce recordings of concerts, and documentaries on music, testimonies of cultures and peoples.


WILD BORN - Des femmes au bout du monde


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