In Rajasthan, India, an extraordinary school teaches rural women and men of over 70 countries — many of them illiterate — to become solar engineers, artisans, dentists and doctors in their own villages, and this, sometimes in as little than 6 months! The Barefoot College has been inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, and its founder and visionnary Bunker Roy, explains in the TED Talk how it works.
This incredible TED Talk and all the extraordinary accomplishments of Bunker Roy remind us so much of Lynn TWIST and all the life changing stories she talks about in her talks and in her book ‘the soul of money’. She also says that she has never met ‘poor people’, only people in ‘poor’ circonstances. Which proves all of us once more, that by ‘seeing’ the other, by giving faith, believing in their strength, they excel, they radiate, and share their love!
The barefoot collage’s non-negotiable values