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Which God do you follow? And the social and unsocial cell-example…

There is a real, and there is a wrong God.
It’s easy to understand.
People following the real God follow connections, love, understanding, compassion, beauty, express their creativity in an uplifting manner, accept the other as they are. They understand that we are children of God and that we are save in his love, the same love emanating from within all of us as well.
People following the wrong God follow the money, possessions, power, they never feel secure, cannot, as they are under the believe that they have always something to loose. They have totally forgotten who they are.

But there is amelioration in view.

There is this great scientific study that has been done with unsocial – and with social cells. Both were put on a glass under microscope, within a constant frequency of 150 Mhz, the frequency of the sun, our original frequency of harmony, balance.

Under this frequency, the perfect environment, you can observe the social cells communicating with each other, giving and receiving what they and others need.
There is this constant beautiful interaction, everything is flowing, and nothing is stagnant.
And then there are the unsocial cells, in this case, cancer cells. They try to eat all they can, are totally out of order, have totally forgotten who they are. The only interaction there is, is the eating up of the others.
And what do you think happens after 2 hours under the exposure of 150 Mhz frequency to these cancer cells? Well, they start to show slight behaviours of curiosity to the others, and after 24 hours! they have become social!!!…

When I heard this story of our friend’s Dieter Broers scientific test, so much became clear to me. Our whole system, what should be the fertil ground of our society, is unsocial!!! Unsocial, because it follows the wrong God!

So it’s up to us to recognize ourselves as these incredible original children of God, these social beings, who care for each other, Mother nature, the animal and vegetal world. We are these suns, here here to shine, to be and to richen our world with our pure light, creativity and love. Just such as the sun itself!

Which, by the way, plays an immense impact in the actual awakening of consciousness on our world, as the magnetic field is lowering, it’s penetration is stronger, which leads us to enter our true self…

Coco Tache supports

TOGETHER ! NOW ! 7sky.life Connection VII Lausanne 23rd May


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